As it was written in the Book of Michael Stefaniuc
Hello Brian,
you wanted to do the Wineconf web page ;) so here is some info you could use:
Thanks Michael. I'll try to put something together soon.
Mr. Gemkow, were you able to find out any information concerning the availability of rooms we could use? If so, I'd like to put together an email to send to the general Wine community just to make sure we're not overlooking any major details. This would not be an official announcement - just a request to make sure people can be in Stuttgart that weekend.
Also, I just found out the Samba guys will be holding their SambaXP conference in Germany on May 2nd and 3rd. Perhaps some will be in the area early and can attend Wineconf. Would anyone object to sending an invite to samba-technical when we do an official announcement?