Hi folks,
Now that it's the last minute, we're finally starting to move on Wineconf <grin>.
So, a few things. First, if you have registered, and you *cannot* make it, please let me know asap. We're trying to get accurate head counts for dinner reservations and donut buys and such.
Second, we're starting to think about transportation and other issues.
Mandi Gagne, our CNG (Chief Non Geek), has agreed to serve as the transportation czar. She's going to help coordinate everyones transportation.
Now, if you've already figured out how to get yourself from the airport to wherever you're staying, great. If you'd like a bit of help, though, we're prepared to swarm the airport with friendly CodeWeavers chauffeurs.
Here's the plan: if you need a ride from the airport, please email Mandi directly (mandi at codeweavers dot com). She'll coordinate things for you and give you her cell as a backup.
If you are renting a car and would be willing to *give* rides, please also email Mandi.
Next, fyi, we're chatting a fair amount in #wineconf, and I think we'll keep that open through the conference.
Finally, I think we're going to plan an informal get together for dinner + libation on Friday night.
I don't know where, or when, or any of that stuff (and I may not be able to join in for long myself).
Do any of the locals on the list have any suggestions? If all else fails, I would think that meeting at Jillians at the Mall or somesuch would be good fun.