Paul Millar wrote:
On Thursday 17 March 2005 10:33, Jakob Eriksson wrote:
Apart from all of Wine, I'm always interested in the conformance testing. I believe it's crucial in speeding up Wines' development. For each bug found, it is often a good idea to write an automatic regression test.
Yes, although that's a rather weary job, which no one enjoys doing :^/
I do! Maybe I have a condition, but I really love doing it! :-)
There's three issues here:
o fast(er) update of CVS (or whatever filestore we're using).
This would need either: * a super-charged Alexandre ;) or * a separate CVS tree in which developers can edit the wine/dlls/*/tests/ directory,
This makes sense. Winetest could actually be a separate project. I'm not saying it should be, mind you, just that conformance testing is interesting not only for Wine, but for Windows developers in general.
So a separate CVS tree makes a great deal of sense, IMHO. Wine could import snapshots of the tests for its' conformance testing. This could speed up test development considerably, I imagine.
or * give up on centralised/distributed testing architecture and switch to a personal testing environment.
o fast(er) build of winetest.exe
I originally argued for async. winetests and went as far as implementing this as part of WRT, so in principles this is already done. WRT worked based on the email notification of CVS updates. Builds, with minor changes, doesn't take long (using ccache), so you're probably looking 10-20 minutes turn around, with whatever delay the test-clients introduce.
Though, without fixing the first issue, this doesn't help us much.
o fast(er) running, through vmware platforms.
Sure, this can be done, but its a distributed model, so everyone can chip in. Shouldn't be too difficult to achieve this.
Sounds like fun, doesn't it? Test servers could register in the cluster worldwide. (Although I originally imagined a very centralized solution with a big server running vmware images.)
Just my 2-c worth :)
Are you coming to wineconf?
regards, Jakob