ChangeSet ID: 31172
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: appdb
Changes by: wineowner(a) 2007/06/10 12:13:49
Modified files:
cron : cleanup.php
Log message:
Chris Morgan <cmorgan(a)>
Disable screenshot deletion and add screenshot ids to the cleanup email so we can verify that
the cleanup script is removing the correct screenshots.
Old revision New revision Changes Path
1.35 1.36 +14 -5 appdb/cron/cleanup.php
Index: appdb/cron/cleanup.php
diff -u -p appdb/cron/cleanup.php:1.35 appdb/cron/cleanup.php:1.36
--- appdb/cron/cleanup.php:1.35 10 Jun 2007 17:13:49 -0000
+++ appdb/cron/cleanup.php 10 Jun 2007 17:13:49 -0000
@@ -285,6 +285,15 @@ function removeScreenshotsWithMissingFil
$sMsg = "Found ".count($aMissingScreenshotIds)." screenshots with missing files.\r\n";
$sMsg.= "Deleting these screenshots.\r\n";
+ // add the screenshot ids to the email so we can see which screenshots are
+ // going to be deleted
+ $sMsg.="\r\n";
+ $sMsg.="Screenshot IDs:\r\n";
+ foreach($aMissingScreenshotIds as $iScreenshotId)
+ {
+ $sMsg.=$iScreenshotId."\r\n";
+ }
$sSubject = "Screenshots deleted\r\n";
$sEmail = User::get_notify_email_address_list(null, null); /* get list admins */
@@ -292,10 +301,10 @@ function removeScreenshotsWithMissingFil
mail_appdb($sEmail, $sSubject, $sMsg);
// remove the screenshots with missing files
- foreach($aMissingScreenshotIds as $iScreenshotId)
- {
- $oScreenshot = new Screenshot($iScreenshotId);
- $oScreenshot->delete(true); // delete the screenshot silently
- }
+// foreach($aMissingScreenshotIds as $iScreenshotId)
+// {
+// $oScreenshot = new Screenshot($iScreenshotId);
+// $oScreenshot->delete(); // delete the screenshot
+// }
ChangeSet ID: 31171
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: appdb
Changes by: wineowner(a) 2007/06/09 20:30:28
Modified files:
include : application.php
Log message:
Ben Hodgetts (Enverex) <ben(a)>
Add more specifics about what is required on the application submission page. Changes the
wording so hopefully people won't keep adding comments about how well the application works in
the application or vrsion submission. Also adds comments about proper grammar and punctuation.
Old revision New revision Changes Path
1.110 1.111 +8 -3 appdb/include/application.php
Index: appdb/include/application.php
diff -u -p appdb/include/application.php:1.110 appdb/include/application.php:1.111
--- appdb/include/application.php:1.110 10 Jun 2007 1:30:28 -0000
+++ appdb/include/application.php 10 Jun 2007 1:30:28 -0000
@@ -935,10 +935,15 @@ class Application {
echo " for Windows, we do not need placeholder entries in the database. Please enter as complete \n";
echo " as possible test results in the version template provided below</li>\n";
echo "</ul></p>";
- echo "<p>Please do not forget to mention which Wine version you used, how well it worked\n";
- echo "and if any workarounds were needed. Having app descriptions just sponsoring the app\n";
+ echo "<p>Having app descriptions just sponsoring the app\n";
echo "(yes, some vendors want to use the appdb for this) or saying ‘I haven’t tried this app with Wine’ ";
- echo "will not help Wine development or Wine users.</p>\n";
+ echo "will not help Wine development or Wine users. Application descriptions should be exactly that and only that, \n";
+ echo "they should not contain any information about how well the app works, just what the app is. The same applies to the \n";
+ echo "version information, it should be only information on what is unique or different about that version of the application, \n";
+ echo "not how well that version works or how great you think a new feature is.</p>\n";
+ echo "<p>When you reach the \"Test Form\" part (What works, What doesn't work, etc) please be detailed \n";
+ echo "about how well it worked and if any workarounds were needed but do NOT paste chunks of terminal output.</p>\n";
+ echo "<p>Please write information in proper English with correct grammar and punctuation!</p>\n";
echo "<b><span style=\"color:red\">Please only submit applications/versions that you have tested.\n";
echo "Submissions without test information or not using the provided template will be rejected.\n";
echo "If you are unable to see the in-browser editors below, please try Firefox, Mozilla or Opera browsers.\n</span></b>";