ChangeSet ID: 101000780086538142664358
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: wine
Changes by: julliard@wine2. 02/01/02 16:43:20
Modified files:
dlls/opengl32 : make_opengl opengl_ext.c opengl_ext.h wgl.c
Log message:
Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer(a)>
- better support for extensions functions that do not have the same
name in windows and in Unix.
- support the NV_vertex_array_range extension.
Revision Changes Path
1.6 +106 -99 wine/dlls/opengl32/make_opengl
1.6 +492 -470 wine/dlls/opengl32/opengl_ext.c
1.2 +1 -0 wine/dlls/opengl32/opengl_ext.h
1.19 +46 -37 wine/dlls/opengl32/wgl.c
ChangeSet ID: 1009844012298991144634783
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: wine
Changes by: julliard@wine2. 01/12/31 19:13:32
Modified files:
dlls/ole32 : stg_stream.c storage32.c storage32.h
Log message:
Jukka Heinonen <jhei(a)>
Name of the structured storage file root node is path of the file, not
the name of the root node stored in the file.
When reading streams stored into structured storage files, EOF is not
supposed to cause an error if at least one byte can be returned.
Revision Changes Path
1.11 +4 -5 wine/dlls/ole32/stg_stream.c
1.28 +47 -2 wine/dlls/ole32/storage32.c
1.8 +8 -2 wine/dlls/ole32/storage32.h