>De: Adam Treat <manyoso(a)yahoo.com>
>Sujet: Re: Re: Some more thoughts on khtml
>A: fenix(a)club-internet.fr, jmayer(a)loplof.de
>Copie à: wine-devel(a)winehq.com
>Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 06:22:37 -0800 (PST)
>--- fenix(a)club-internet.fr wrote:
>> >Why not just port the GPL version of Qt to Windows? The kde-cygwin project is doing that right
>> I don't think it's a good idea :(
>> Now, we only need a few classes and code for porting KWQ to windows specific code (and more
>> platform optimised than Qt).
>> While Qt need 10-15 huge base classes to be ported, and platform "tuning " on top level code
>> (platform independent).
>> And, i don't like the port idea, because trolltech use Qt under windows as main product, and
>> porting the GPL version to windows ...
>*sigh* yes, i agree this is a problem. I don't want to hurt Trolltech, I just wish Qt could be
>used as a GPL cross-platform lib. Am still looking for a creative solution that would work for
>both Trolltech and the community, so if anyone has any ideas... ;)
i don't have any :(
>> In past, i have already done much of Qt (2.x version) porting under windows for a personal
>> project.
>> A first implementation is really easy but for a real industrial one, you need too much code with
>> too much problems (you have to understand well what the top levels classes do, etc...)
>> >BTW, I have setup a project and already started porting the build stuff to use mingw32.
>> The mingw32 guy use a mix of win32 and unix compat layers (yakk) :(
>I think you are speaking of cygwin here. AFAIK, mingw creates native windows
yes, i know
but last time i saw they have partially used own compat librairies (who use native windows calls)
>> as i said before, i think helping the kwq-win32 project is the right way
>yah, it sounds like KWQ is the answer for wines needs
i think too :)