I have a problem when working with a one keyboard option for language
switching, and would like your help.
I am using the default X11 IL keyboard. This keyboard has two layouts -
US English one and an alternate IL Hebrew one. I have instructed X to
switch between the keyboards when pressing both shifts (the full command
was "setxkbmap -option grp:shift_toggle,grp:switch,grp_led:scroll il",
and it should work on your machine assuming you have the he_IL locale
The problem is this. When I run "notepad" with the proper LANG settings
(LANG=he_IL wine --debugmsg +keyboard notepad), I can type English ok. I
can also type Hebrew ok if I don't perform a permanent switch (i.e. -
pressing the right Alt and typing produces Hebrew ok). If I do perform
the permenant switch (pressing both shifts), I get all-caps. After
switching back, I still get allcaps unless I press the caps lock. The
only way to get out of this deadlock is by togelling to Hebrew, pressing
the caps lock, and toggeling back. I get the following messages on toggle:
trace:keyboard:X11DRV_ToUnicode Found keycode 50 (0x32)
trace:keyboard:KEYBOARD_MapDeadKeysym no character for dead keysym
err:keyboard:X11DRV_ToUnicode Please report: no char for keysym FE0A
(ISO_Prev_Group) :
err:keyboard:X11DRV_ToUnicode (virtKey=10,scanCode=2A,keycode=32,state=2001)
trace:keyboard:X11DRV_KeyEvent Ignoring ISO_Next_Group keyboard event
trace:keyboard:X11DRV_KeyEvent Ignoring ISO_Next_Group keyboard event
trace:keyboard:X11DRV_KeyEvent Ignoring ISO_Prev_Group keyboard event
I am out of my depth here on X. I will also note that I am not using the
currently compiled Israeli keymap, but I have applied the attached patch
(which I cannot seem to debug)
Any help will be apretiated.
Index: dlls/x11drv/keyboard.c
RCS file: /home/sun/sources/cvs/wine/dlls/x11drv/keyboard.c,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -r1.17 keyboard.c
--- dlls/x11drv/keyboard.c 7 Jan 2003 20:36:22 -0000 1.17
+++ dlls/x11drv/keyboard.c 17 Jan 2003 07:10:59 -0000
@@ -631,10 +631,10 @@
/*** Israeli keyboard layout */
static const char main_key_IL[MAIN_LEN][4] =
- "`~;","1!1","2@2","3#3","4$4","5%5","6^6","7&7","8*8","9(9","0)0","-_-","=+=",
- "qQ/","wW'","eE÷","rRø","tTà","yYè","uUå","iIï","oOí","pPô","[{[","]}]",
- "aAù","sSã","dDâ","fFë","gGò","hHé","jJç","kKì","lLê",";:ó","\'\",","\\|\\",
- "zZæ","xXñ","cCá","vVä","bBð","nNî","mMö",",<ú",".>õ","/?."
+ "`~;~","1!1!","2@2@","3#3#","4$4$","5%5%","6^6^","7&7&","8*8*","9(9(","0)0)","-_-_","=+=+",
+ "qQ/Q","wW'W","eE÷E","rRøR","tTàT","yYèY","uUåU","iIïI","oOíO","pPôP","[{[{","]}]}",
+ "aAùA","sSãS","dDâD","fFëF","gGòG","hHéH","jJçJ","kKìK","lLêL",";:ó:","\'\",\"","\\|\\|",
+ "zZæZ","xXñX","cCáC","vVäV","bBðB","nNîN","mMöM",",<ú<",".>õ>","/?.?"
/*** Greek keyboard layout (contributed by Kriton Kyrimis <kyrimis(a)cti.gr>)