> I think 2 days is good.
Then it can be a weekend. Also, if Lionel lets us know when he's going
snowboarding, we can try and avoid that period (Unless he's going from the 1th
to the 30th).
> At the last Wineconf, we had a fair number of 'presentations', and
> I think we might do better with a bit less of that, and a bit
> more 'working sessions'.
> My pet idea was to have an 'installfest',
> perhaps the night before, where we brought a stack of CDs and
> had Aric and Marcus and all other install experts work feverishly
> to get as many of them as possible to install.
Install for who?
I do want to try and get this thing together, I can let you know for sure by
Monday of Tuesday, by then I can also figure out what the costs will be. BTW, are
you in visiting anything interesting like Pompei, or do you want to stay in the
hotel during all the conference?