From time to time I'm testing our application (IQ-FMEA) with Wine.
Our GUI framework is checking the return codes of most API calls,
so several incompatibilities between Windows and Wine are detected
while many other programs simply ignore them.
So I found several things that differ between Wine & Windows.
If found out that InvalidateRect with a "zero extent rectangle"
returns FALSE with Wine, while it returns TRUE in Windows.
Wine builds from last year did not show this behavior.
InvalidateRect(hwnd, RECT(10,10,10,15), TRUE); returns TRUE;
InvalidateRect(hwnd, RECT(10,10,10,15), TRUE); returns FALSE;
Wine 20040914
BOOL WINAPI RedrawWindow( HWND hwnd, const RECT *rectUpdate,
HRGN hrgnUpdate, UINT flags )
return TRUE;
Wine 20050930
ret = redraw_window_rects( hwnd, flags, rect, 1 );
return ret;
static BOOL redraw_window_rects( HWND hwnd, UINT flags, const RECT *rects,
UINT count )
BOOL ret;
SERVER_START_REQ( redraw_window )
req->window = hwnd;
req->flags = flags;
wine_server_add_data( req, rects, count * sizeof(RECT) );
ret = !wine_server_call_err( req );
return ret;
Then I discovered an incompatibility with LB_SELITEMRANGE:
MAKELPARAM(wFirst, wLast));
Windows accepts values for wLast that are greater than the
list size and performs the operation with the (internally corrected)
value - returning TRUE.
Wine does not accept a value for wLast if it is greater than
the list size and returns FALSE (not performing the select operation,
which caused subsequent failures in our application).
There is also a different behavior of SetCapture(hWnd) in Wine.
If an overlapped window has captured the mouse input and a new
child window is being openend, Windows internally releases the
capture. Wine maintains the capture - dialogs in our application
may not be operated with the mouse, because the parent still gets
all the mouse messages.
I have to little knowledge about the wine server stuff to make
a correct fix for issues 1 & 3. And I'm unsure about issue #2.
It's a bug to pass to big values for wLast - but to be compatible
with Windows, Wine should perform like Windows (perhaps log a warning?).