Please find attached some projects that could be in this Summer of Code:
1. Finishing the implementation of d3dx9_36. Since we have already the
forwarding d3dx9_xx there is just need for the this dll to be in our
system. With this fully dll implemented tehre would be no need.
2. msxml.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml2a.dll, msxml2r.dll, msxml3.dll,
msxml3r.dll, msxml4.dll, msxml4a.dll, msxml4r.dll, msxml5.dll,
msxml5r.dll, msxml6.dll msxml6r.dll and WinHTTP5.dll are all versions
referring to the same API together with resoruces. Since wine is already
implementing msxml3.dll I see that a good thing would be to link the
rest of the files and implement them allñ together. I assume that the
biggest part of the work will be repeated.
3. The same that applies to point 2 applise to all files msvcrxx.dll
(msvcr80.dll, msvcr70.dll,
4, As in point 3, implementing msvcpxx.dll could also be a job