Hey Łukasz,
all your translations are written in UTF-8, but to actually use UTF-8,
you also have to include a
#pragma code_page(65001)
on top of the file. In this case for example
+#include "res.h"
+#pragma code_page(65001)
Atm, if you compile wine with this patch applied you see:
sven@sven-desktop:~/wine-git/dlls/appwiz.cpl$ make
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="../../libs/wine:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ../../tools/wrc/wrc
--nostdinc -I. -I. -I../../include -I../../include -D__WINESRC__
-foPl.res Pl.rc
Warning: string "Aby doda� program z dysku, p�yty CD-ROM lub dyskietki,
kliknij przycisk Zainstaluj" seems to be UTF-8 but codepage 1250 is in use.
Warning: string "To oprogramowanie mo�e by� usuni�te automatycznie. Aby
usun�� program lub zmieni� jego zainstalowane komponenty, zaznacz go z
listy i naci�nij Zmie�/Usu�." seems to be UTF-8 but codepage 1250 is in use.
Warning: string "&Zmie�..." seems to be UTF-8 but codepage 1250 is in use.
Warning: string "&Usu�..." seems to be UTF-8 but codepage 1250 is in use.
Warning: string "Podane informacje mog� by� przydatne przy otrzymaniu
pomocy technicznej dla %s:" seems to be UTF-8 but codepage 1250 is in use.
Warning: string "Dodaj/Usu� programy" seems to be UTF-8 but codepage
1250 is in use.
Warning: string "Pozwala na instalacj� nowego lub usuni�cie ju�
istniej�cego oprogramowania z twojego komputera." seems to be UTF-8 but
codepage 1250 is in use.
Warning: string "Nie mo�na uruchomi� programu odinstalowuj�cego, '%s'.
Czy chcesz usun�� wpis o tym programie z rejestru?" seems to be UTF-8
but codepage 1250 is in use.
Warning: string "Nie okre�lone" seems to be UTF-8 but codepage 1250 is
in use.
Warning: string "&Usu�..." seems to be UTF-8 but codepage 1250 is in use.
Warning: string "&Zmie�/Usu�..." seems to be UTF-8 but codepage 1250 is
in use.
You get warnings like this for every patch that you sent in. You can
check it yourself by running "make depend" from the git directory and
then "make" from the directory that contains the program or dll. This is
at least how I got them.
P.S. You're not the only one making this mistake. I also made it the
first time ;)
Łukasz Wojniłowicz wrote:
> ---
> dlls/appwiz.cpl/Makefile.in | 1 +
> dlls/appwiz.cpl/Pl.rc | 84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> 2 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
> create mode 100644 dlls/appwiz.cpl/Pl.rc