Thanks to Vincent Béron and Francois Gouget I've managed to do my
own little unit test.
I post it here hoping for comments of any kind:
possible improvements, additions, advice etc.
(I guess I could add some more limit-tests, trying to read
many small chunks in a row see that I still end up in the right place
in the file. Things like that.)
#include "winbase.h"
#include "winerror.h"
#include "wine/test.h"
static void test__hread( void )
LPCSTR filename = "";
LPCSTR sillytext = "en larvig liten text dx \033 gx hej 84 hej 4484 ! \001\033 bla bla...";
HFILE filehandle;
char buffer[10000];
long bytes_read;
UINT bytes_wanted;
filehandle = _lcreat( filename, 0 );
ok( HFILE_ERROR != filehandle, "_lcreat complains." );
ok( HFILE_ERROR != _hwrite( filehandle, sillytext, strlen( sillytext ) ), "_hwrite complains." );
ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose(filehandle), "_lclose complains." );
filehandle = _lopen( filename, OF_READ );
bytes_read = _hread( filehandle, buffer, 2 * strlen( sillytext ));
ok( strlen( sillytext ) == bytes_read, "file has wrong size.");
for (bytes_wanted = 0; bytes_wanted < strlen( sillytext ); bytes_wanted++)
ok( 0 == _llseek( filehandle, 0, FILE_BEGIN ), "_llseek complains." );
ok( _hread( filehandle, buffer, bytes_wanted ) == bytes_wanted, "erratic _hread return value." );
for (i = 0; i < bytes_wanted; i++)
ok( buffer[i] == sillytext[i], "that's not what's written." );
ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose( filehandle ), "_lclose complains." );
ok( DeleteFileA( filename ) != 0, "DeleteFile complains." );
test__hread( );
Jakob Eriksson
The wages of sin
is debugging.
-- Ron Jeffries