So I've finally started writing tests for functions that have both Unicode
and Ascii equivalents, and I'm wondering how to write the tests. I re-read
the thread about this that occurred back in January, and there didn't seem to
be a clear decision.
With the current framework, it doesn't appear to be possible to just write
one test, and have it build both unicode and ascii versions, and it seems
like at least Alexandre was strongly against this anyway.
But in my case, I know nothing at all about writing Unicode tests, or how to
explicitly test unicode functionality, so I see that I have three options:
1) Don't write any 'W' tests, and use only 'A' functions in my tests
2) Duplicate my 'A' tests as 'W' tests, and acknowledge that there is likely
Unicode specific stuff that is not tested
3) Learn something about Unicode, and figure out how to test the functions
Now obvioulsy (3) is the best choice, but honestly, I am not motivated
towards this at the moment. Which leaves (1) and (2), with (2) being the way
I'm leaning. But the tests are getting really big, and pretty messy, and
duplicating them and managing both versions looks like a nightmare (there are
lots of TODOs, and I expect the tests to behave differently on different OS).
So what is the recomendation that I do?
In the simplest case, I can just copy the Ascii test to a new file and
replace all 'A' with 'W', and just keep the tests seperated that way.
Anyhow, any comments would be appreciated.