On Sun, 02 Jun 2002 10:40:37 +0300 Shachar Shemesh [email protected] wrote:
Does it mean it should work if I change keyboard layout to non English and then launch Word?
What language are we talking about? If we are talking about a BiDi
It's Lithuanian.
Office (Hebrew or Arabic), I am not sure how Word will display the direction indicator. Like I told Hetz, I am pretty early in the process. I'm currently at the Text output functions, and things like "Word" are a bit in the future for me.
I don't know how and if Word needs to know about non-BiDi languages.
I'm afraid that my BiDi attempts are at a rather early stage. If you want to follow them, or contribute (and the testing you are performing certanly count as contribution), you can add youself as CC to bug #609 (http://bugs.winehq.com/show_bug.cgi?id=609)
BTW, how to do that (add myself as CC)?
follow the link, and add your email address under the "add CC:" field (top right).
Oh, it was veeery right in Konqueror, now I see.
Regards, Nerijus