Yeah, I'm not too interested in the sound right now, but I aim to work on that eventually.
As for managed mode, unless I'm mangling the wine terminology, what i mean is that it will only show up if I use a command such as:
wine explorer /desktop=foo,640x480 CARM95.EXE
I'll do some looking into the GetDC calls now. Thank you!
On 2/13/07, Stefan Dösinger wrote:
Am Dienstag 13 Februar 2007 02:43 schrieb Nathan Williams:
I want to get my hands dirty in the wine source code but I need a little guidance, hopefully from someone working on the DirectX sections of wine.
I've decided I want to get Carmageddon working properly. I have already added it to the appdb ( for the windows version. My main question is, how can I go about linking the visual bugs that I see with the area of code that needs work? I have worked with DirectX before and I am capable of coding tests and hooking directx on windows if needed.
I am working on Direct3D and DirectDraw, and I wrote the new DirectDraw over WineD3D implementation.
From looking at the (tiny) description in the appdb it seems that there are 3 different issues. The "lenght not multiple" messages are sound related - I hardly know about that. The "managed" issue, do you mean it only runs in a
virtual desktop, or when you allow the window to be controlled by the linux window manager? Last, the flawky menus and cutscenes could be because of the lack of a proper GDI engine. You can test that by enabling the ddraw debug
channel and searching for GetDC calls.