Sorry for crossposting initial message to both lists. I think the topic may be interesting for both - users and developers.
Any volunteers to help to translate the documentation to languages other than English? This is very big job, so there can be more than one person, working on the same language.
Among responses to my call for volunteers I got response from Pedro Restrepo suggesting his help in Wine localization. See his message below. Damian Wojslaw requested information on the same topic on wine-users.
--- Pedro Restrepo wrote:
Hi Andiry,
First, thank you and thanks to all people working on Wine. I am using Wine to run Lotus Notes Client on Linux. At the moment, we are testing it.
I want to help on Wine project. I propose you one new work: Wine translation to spanish (documentation, installer, web site info, etc). I think in this work because I think this project is necessary for all people who need transition tools from Windows to Linux and there are many people in this situation in SouthAmerica (I am from Colombia and I am tired of the big payments for software in our poor nations).
Currently Wine does not have official documentation in other languages. Some winelib applications are localized to other languages.
Documents with highest priority for translation: * README file * Wine User Guide * user-oriented pages on Winehq Plus, we'll need to keep translations in sync with original documentation.
Comments, ideas, suggestions? Andriy
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