DirectDrawEnumerateExW (dlls/ddraw/main.c) calls DirectDrawEnumerateExA, which uses ddraw_driver struct (dlls/ddraw/ddraw_private.h), which has a member DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER2 struct (include/ddraw.h), which is defined this way:
typedef struct tagDDDEVICEIDENTIFIER2 { char szDriver[MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING]; char szDescription[MAX_DDDEVICEID_STRING]; LARGE_INTEGER liDriverVersion; DWORD dwVendorId; DWORD dwDeviceId; DWORD dwSubSysId; DWORD dwRevision; GUID guidDeviceIdentifier; DWORD dwWHQLLevel; } DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER2, * LPDDDEVICEIDENTIFIER2;
As this struct keeps base information about a driver and it uses char strings, I guess %Subject% cross call should be marked invalid in the wiki. Right?