Hi Zhiyi, it seems it's all more complicated then I thought. The tests failed and it seems i put the wrong function names at those ordinals.
The thread below at Autohotkey suggests that the ordinals belong to some undocumented functions ShouldAppsUseDarkMode, AllowDarkModeForWindow and SetPreferredAppMode, apparently they can only be imported by ordinal.
So should I now only test that they can be imported by ordinal (something like
proc = GetProcAddress(uxtheme, MAKEINTRESOURCEA(func[i].ordinal));
ok(proc, "getting function by ordinal failed"); )?
autohotkey thread: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=94661&start=20
v5: uiautomationcore: Use EVENT_OBJECT_DESTROY to remove HWNDs from the COM API focus change HWND map.
uiautomationcore: Use EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS to advise HWND providers of focus change events in the COM API.
uiautomationcore: Query EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS HWND for a serverside provider if there is a registered focus change event handler.
uiautomationcore/tests: Add tests for IUIAutomationFocusChangedEventHandler event advisement behavior.