Fall through in create_link and allow SHGetFolderPathAndSubDirW to
create an empty folder in place if the alternatives are not available.
Creating a link back to $HOME makes a recursive directory structure,
which results in crashes in programs that naively search %USERPROFILE%
(e.g. Quicken).
Jeffrey Smith (@whydoubt) commented about dlls/advapi32/lsa.c:
> + "PolicyReplicaSourceInformation",
> + "PolicyDefaultQuotaInformation",
> + "PolicyModificationInformation",
> + "PolicyAuditFullSetInformation",
> + "PolicyAuditFullQueryInformation",
> + "PolicyDnsDomainInformation",
> + "PolicyDnsDomainInformationInt",
> + "PolicyLocalAccountDomainInformation",
> + "PolicyMachineAccountInformation",
> + "PolicyMachineAccountInformation2",
> + "PolicyLastEntry"
> +};
> +
> +static LPCSTR debugstr_InformationClass(IN POLICY_INFORMATION_CLASS InformationClass)
> +{
> + if (InformationClass >= ARRAY_SIZE(string_InformationClass))
Compilers can (and at least some do) treat an enumeration as a _signed_ integer. For the comparison to work as desired you'll want to cast `InformationClass` to an unsigned type. I think `size_t` would be appropriate.
In HttpSendRequestW and HttpSendRequestExW, if the header pointer is not
null but the length parameter is 0, the header length should be derived
from the string length instead.
In HttpSendRequestA and HttpSendRequestExA, on the same scenario, the
function should fail instead.
v5: wininet: Handle http headers correctly when length is 0
This fixes an issue I ran into in UI Automation using an interface proxy marshaled with `MSHCTX_INPROC`. `CoUnmarshalInterface` always passes `MSHCTX_LOCAL` when using the standard marshaler, regardless of what was passed to `CoMarshalInterface`.
When passing an interface that uses the free threaded marshaler as an argument to a method on the proxy retrieved from `CoUnmarshalInterface`, it passes `MSHCTX_LOCAL` when trying to marshal, which the results in the free threaded marshaler trying to create a proxy/stub which fails.
v3: combase: Use correct destination context in CoUnmarshalInterface when using the standard marshaler.
ole32/tests: Extend test_marshal_channel_buffer() test to include IRpcProxyBufferWrapper checks.