Hi Folks,
I've started mulling over an agenda for Wineconf, and I wanted to bounce some ideas off of everyone.
First, at the last Wineconf, while it was great fun, I think there was a strong sense that there were too many 'presentations' and not enough time for simple discussions.
So, to that end, I'd like to propose an agenda that has a fairly modest number of 'presentations', but then also includes slots for structured discussions, and lots of time for unstructured conversations.
And, of course, I think a nice chunk of the unstructured portions should be done over a meal and/or libations.
I've asked Alexandre to do a keynote, and I've asked a few of you to give targetted talks. If anyone has something they'd like to present on, please let me know.
For discussions, I'd like to suggest the following structured topics:
1. Wine 1.0. 2. In search of the magic bullet - Can we transform our processes in any way to make Wine go faster? 3. Game hack fest (this could be all night Saturday, with beers)
Thoughts? Suggestions? All feedback is welcome.