Hi Alexandre,
seems like you rejected this patch. Is it too hack'ish? At a first glance it
seems like it would be enough to figure out the IDropTarget belonging to the
hwnd and call a DragOver on this interface. The problem is that the drop
source (or the DoDragDrop function) might have to change the cursor.
Could you please give me a tip on how to do this the right way?
Index: dlls/shell32/shlview.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/shell32/shlview.c,v
retrieving revision 1.123
diff -u -p -r1.123 shlview.c
--- dlls/shell32/shlview.c 2 Dec 2005 13:14:58 -0000 1.123
+++ dlls/shell32/shlview.c 2 Dec 2005 16:44:38 -0000
@@ -2190,6 +2190,8 @@ static ULONG WINAPI ISVDropTarget_Releas
#define IDT_RIGHT 0x8u
VOID CALLBACK scroll_timer_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idTimer, DWORD
dwTimer) {
+ INPUT input;
switch (idTimer) {
case IDT_UP:
SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEUP, 0);
@@ -2204,6 +2206,14 @@ VOID CALLBACK scroll_timer_proc(HWND hwn
SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_HSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, 0);
+ /* The cursor might now hover over a different item in the listview than
+ * prior to the scrolling. Send a dummy mouse event (with a (x=0, y=0)
+ * relative movement) to initiate the apropriate Drag & Drop calls. */
+ ZeroMemory(&input, sizeof(input));
+ input.type = INPUT_MOUSE;
+ input.u.mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE;
+ SendInput(1, &input, sizeof(input));
Michael Jung