Here's my wineconf summary. It's not much of a summary, since it's so damn
long. I wanted to record as much as possible for the developers that weren't
there because I think a lot of ideas and direction was generated and should
be shared among the community.
I put in <> brackets in areas where I need correction, and I am going to
correct some of those myself.
Andi, I'd like to put this on winehq somewhere with the presentation files
hyperlinked from the same page. Once I get all the presentations, I'll
provide you with them. Once it's ready, maybe we can submit it to slashdot
for everybody who couldn't be there.
I really want to thank all of you for your participation. I not only learned
a lot, I also had a really great time meeting and getting to know all of you.
And I think that next time, Andi should buy the beer.