please find enclosed this week slim edition...
Eric Pouech (
"The future will be better tomorrow", Vice President Dan Quayle
Wine Weekly News
All the News that Fits, we print.
Events, progress, and happenings in the Wine community for February
05, 2001 .
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Keeping track of Wine
Since Alexandre Julliard has been away most of the week for LinuxExpo
in Paris, very few patches have been commmited:
Discussions on wine-devel
This week, 70 posts consumed 277 K. There were 28 different
contributors, 16 (57%) posted more than once, and 10 (35%) posted
last week too.
The top posters of the week were:
* 11 posts in 45 K by Ian Pilcher <pilcher(a)>
* 9 posts in 70 K by Ulrich Weigand
* 6 posts in 24 K by Huw D M Davies <h.davies1(a)>
* 5 posts in 18 K by Eric Pouech <Eric.Pouech(a)>
* 3 posts in 6 K by gerard patel <gerard.patel(a)>
* 3 posts in 10 K by Jon Griffiths <tntjpgriff(a)>
* 3 posts in 10 K by Gavriel State <gav(a)>
Delphi and Kylix Announce
Marcus Meissner posted some report about a Borland announcement (
[1], even quoting some parts:
Borland will unveil its Delphi programming kit for Linux, called
Kylix. The product is designed to let people write software that
works with Linux and Windows, sources said. The software has been
developed with help from CodeWeavers, a group working to
commercialize the Wine software for running Windows software on
Linux machines.
From various reports, it seems that Wine is used for porting the IDE
to Linux, however, the compilation toolchain seems to be a raw port to
DirectDraw & TransGaming Announce
Gavriel State announced a new version of the TransGaming D3D patch
( for more details):
Just wanted to mention that a new TransGaming patch is available from
our web-site now. This patch is mostly just to bring our AFPLed
D3D work into sync with the DirectX changes that we've contributed
to WineHQ CVS lately. There's not much new on the D3D side, though
we're working hard with some hardware and sofware vendors to
improve performance there, which you'll see in upcoming releases.
The nicest thing about the latest release is that we've
incorporated Andreas Mohr's SetWindowLong patch, which along with
the work he did on CreateProcess now allows InstallShield
installers to work properly.
The other big news item is that with our recent DirectInput work,
and a minor tweak to Wine's OpenGL thunking layer, American
McGee's Alice demo now works perfectly. The full version won't
work, due to SafeDisk copy protection, but we're starting to talk
to engineers at Macrovision to help us resolve that issue.
Credits: [2]Doug Ridgway, [3]Eric Pouech, and [4]Ove Kåven.
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